It' seems like only a couple of weeks ago that the sun was beating down on the pastures and looking to the sky to somehow divine rain to fall was the hottest topic of discussion. Time is an illusion, but the seasons, night, and day are very real and the days are getting shorter and shorter. The shortest day of the year is almost upon us bringing to close another seasonal cycle.
It feels like the end of 2022 is the end of a cycle marked by unpredictability and sudden change. Did you feel it too? The latter half of this year things shifted. To what I'm not sure, I can only speak for me, but shift happened.
Tim and I have spent the last few months really focusing and figuring out what our next steps are. The past almost three years have been a wild ride with both ups and downs. What they are isn't really important as we have all had them; what is important though, is that the challenges and opportunities encountered since March of 2020 have helped give us direction for the coming year. Some things will stay the same, some will change, some will disappear, and some will come to fruition. It's actually really exciting!
This blog is really just to wish everyone a Happy Christmas and a wonderful New Year. The next one will fill you all in!